+447881702507 Newbury, Berkshire, UK azize@azizesahin.com

After School with Mindfulness

Benefits of mindfulness with kids

  • Strengthens self-control.
  • Lower’s anxiety and stress.
  • Increases positive moods.
  • Better decision making.
  • Improves Emotional Regulation Skills.
  • Increases self-esteem.
  • Improves Health and Body Image.
  • Improves social skills and communication.

After school childcare with mindfulness, breathing and yoga activities for primary school kids.

I am able to take children from John Rankin Junior School & St. Nicholas CE Primary School.

Prices: From pick ups to 6pm £20 per day (including mindful eating with healthy snacks and mindfulness activities for 1 hour)

Payments are due in advance in the begining of each week.

For further information you can e-mail me at; azize@azizesahin.com

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